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  • Writer's pictureAndy Bell

The Book of Dead Time

A performance art installation by the houdini club, commissioned by ArtSpeak

I can never return

I can invite them, create a living archive

I can publish the book

I can make the film

I can create the sound

I can produce the evidence

I can bring the dolls house

I can hang the clothes

I can show the dead men

I can never return

Live for one night only The Book of Dead Time

the houdini club

Friday 31 March Open 18:00 - 20:00 Backlit Gallery, Alfred House, Ashley Street, Nottingham NG3 IJG

The Book of Dead Time is a performance art installation engaging a live archive of 50 people, the book, the film, her dolls house, her clothes and the dead puppets. Explore the gallery spaces. Contemplate dead time. The echo of a chiming clock will mark its passing. Use your time carefully. a houdini club production commissioned by ArtSpeak in partnership with Backlit Gallery.

Performers will include members of Cool Company, the 60+ dance improvisation ensemble funded by ArtSpeak in partnership with Nottingham Contemporary.

To book your free ticket click here

the houdini club has a membership of one, created and donated by French surrealist Allain Prillard who recognised them in a past life. the houdini club is a neon sign active when lit. the houdini club thinks, collaborates, makes, shares, exits, panics, disappears and returns. Escapes completed, yet to be achieved. Recorded details in misplaced notebooks never found. No archive. No social media. Present. Live. the houdini club is about connections and relationships, severing, rupturing and sometime continuity. The artist does not wish to be seen, not recognised. Absent.

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